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Neuropsychology of PTSD: Biological, Cognitive, and Clinical Perspectives

by Edited by Jennifer J. Vasterling and Chris R. Brewin

Synthesizing the breadth of current knowledge on the effects of psychological trauma on the brain, this volume integrates neurobiological, clinical, and cognitive aspects of PTSD.

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Synthesizing the breadth of current knowledge on the effects of psychological trauma on the brain, this volume integrates neurobiological, clinical, and cognitive aspects of PTSD. Presented is cutting-edge research--including recent advances in functional neuroimaging--on the emergence of neuropsychological dysfunctions in specific trauma populations: children, adults, older adults, and victims of closed head injury. Coverage encompasses a range of chronic problems with memory, attention, and information processing that are related to trauma exposure. Linking neuropsychological findings to the realities of clinical practice, the concluding section addresses key implications for PTSD assessment and for pharmacological and psychological treatment.

"Because this book addresses a cardinal and often-neglected topic, I read it with the utmost curiosity--and found it exceptionally well composed, instructive, and thought-provoking....The book masterfully covers current knowledge and views and never becomes redundant. I warmly recommend this book to clinicians, scholars, and students; indeed, to anyone who has been waiting for a fair, thoughtful, and balanced overview of this important area."
-Arieh Y. Shalev, MD, Department of Psychiatry, Hadassah University Hospital, Israel
"A powerful synthesis of the cognitive neuroscience of PTSD, this text integrates scientific and clinical findings across a wide spectrum of disciplines....The editors have assembled an outstanding group of experienced and thoughtful contributors to summarize the extant knowledge base and point the field in new and exciting directions."
-Terence M. Keane, PhD, VA Boston Healthcare System

337 Pages



I. Background and Context

1. Epidemiological and Methodological Issues in Neuropsychological Research on PTSD, Lisa M. Duke and Jennifer J. Vasterling

II. Biological Perspectives

2. Neurobiological and Neurocognitive Alterations in PTSD: A Focus on Norepinephrine, Serotonin, and the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis, Steven M. Southwick, Ann Rasmusson, Jill Barron, and Amy Arnsten

3. Structural and Functional Anatomy of PTSD: Findings from Neuroimaging Research, Lisa M. Shin, Scott L. Rauch, and Roger K. Pitman

4. Electrophysiology of PTSD, Linda J. Metzger, Mark W. Gilbertson, and Scott P. Orr

III. Cognitive and Information-Processing Perspectives

5. Information-Processing Biases in PTSD, Joseph I. Constans

6. Encoding and Retrieval of Traumatic Memories, Chris R. Brewin

IV. Developmental and Population-Specific Perspectives

7. Early Trauma Exposure and the Brain, Michael D. De Bellis, Stephen R. Hooper, and Jennifer L. Sapia

8. Neuropsychological Findings in Adults with PTSD, Jennifer J. Vasterling and Kevin Brailey

9. Learning and Memory in Aging Trauma Survivors with PTSD, Rachel Yehuda, Karina Stavitsky, Lisa Tischler, Julia A. Golier, and Philip D. Harvey

10. PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury, Allison G. Harvey, Michael D. Kopelman, and Chris R. Brewin

V. Clinical Applications

11. Clinical Neuropsychological Evaluation, Jennifer J. Vasterling and Jennifer S. Kleiner

12. Implications for Psychological Intervention, Chris R. Brewin

13. Pharmacological Approaches to Cognitive Deficits Associated with PTSD, Matthew J. Friedman

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Product Code:  67-5173 List Price:  $50.00
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